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Middle School

Our Middle School curriculum is based on ACARA standards which are taught utilising a student driven project approach.

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SASY produces reports for students and their families/caregivers twice a year at the end of each semester. Reports include learning and wellbeing progress comments with a focus on student growth moving forward.

Parents/Carers are encouraged to keep in regular contact with Hub staff who have an open-door approach to student learning, where we work together as a team with the family to holistically support young people both in and outside the school grounds.

Year levels & Hubs

SASY Middle School is currently Year 8-10. Connect Hub is Year 8 and 9, and Inspire Hub is Year 10. SASY will be enrolling Year 7 students in the near future.

Student Centred Learning

SASY utilises a teaching approach that centres around the young person, providing them with the opportunity to have ownership of their learning, interests, needs and wants, and to have choice and options in their education journey.

Our programs engage students in learning that involves real-world, meaningful projects. This allows Teachers to meet the achievement standards set by ACARA whilst building life skills in our young people.

Program Examples

Students complete their subjects in what we call 'Programs,' which are an amalgamation of multiple subject areas and are built around projects. Young people work individually or in groups, with additional subject or skill focussed lessons delivered as required. Integrated into the individual and group projects, young people are also developing specific skills such as collaboration, the ability to give and receive feedback and develop resilience.

Some projects that our Middle School students have participated in include:

  • Creating a drag costume out of recycled products

  • Mixed media artworks

  • Sculpture art pieces

  • Tiny house design

  • Webpage design

  • Clay animation movie production

  • Surviving a zombie apocalypse

  • Skate park design

  • Science experiments in the CBD

  • A study of the black plague and COVID-19 - history, science, culture, human behaviour

  • Relationships, health & social media

  • Climate change and sustainability

  • Student event design

  • Podcasting