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Senior School

SASY offers our senior students flexible pathways to ensure that every young person can learn in a way that best suits their needs.

Annual report photos 23

SASY delivers mainstream SACE and Modified SACE, as well as offering electives. The school also supports students who wish to undertake external VET subjects that contribute credits to their SACE Stage 1 and 2.

We know that every young person has different goals, whether that be employment, tertiary study or reintegration in mainstream school.

SACE Compulsories

Students undertake four compulsory SACE subjects during their senior years at SASY.

  • Personal Learning Plan
    An individualised, student driven project on a topic of interest. This subject helps students to plan for their future and can assist them in choosing senior subjects to undertake in Year 11 and 12.
  • Essential English
    Delivered with a focus on two different themes; life skills and creativity. Students select their own tasks based on whether they would like to focus on life skills such as workplace literacy, job applications or professional conduct, or creativity such as narratives, recounts and graphic design. Students can also undertake a blend of both themes.
  • Essential Maths
    Delivered with a focus on numeracy in a range of real world applications such as budgeting, time, and calculating everyday expenses.
  • Research Project
    An opportunity to develop knowledge in an area of interest to the student. This can be a hobby, personal project, skill or even a career pathway.

SACE Electives

Students can opt to undertake elective SACE subjects in addition to compulsories, such as:

  • Science
    Students investigate different elements of everyday scientific processes such as growing plants and food decomposition.
  • Community Studies
    Students engage in a combination of off-site and on-site learning, based on their own person interests or career pathways.
  • Health and Wellbeing
    Delivered with a focus on self-care, mental health and regulation. Students undertake a series of practical activities to help them manage their own wellbeing such as breathing exercises, walks, connecting with services in the community and self-expression.
  • Language and Culture
    Students investigate different elements of Japanese language and culture, undertaking on-site language development as well as excursions to different cultural hubs in the city.

The senior subjects offered at SASY are designed to equip students with skills and experience that will be applicable no matter what path they take.

Modified SACE

SASY also offers Modified SACE subjects to allow eligible students who require substantial support and learning adjustments the opportunity to still complete senior school. Modified subjects offered include:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Research Project
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Language and Culture

Students are assessed for their eligibility and suitability to undertake Modified SACE by staff in conjunction with the young person and parents/carers.

Vocational Education & Training (VET)

VET subjects are very popular with our students as they are typically more practical in nature than some SACE offerings, and can provide eligible students with qualifications that they can use to gain employment.

Some examples of VET courses that students have undertaken include:

  • Certificate II in Salon Assistant
  • Certificate III in Community Services
  • Certificate IV in Youth Work

Students are encouraged to speak with staff regarding their VET pathway options.